Every journey must have a beginning... so here's to mine. Okay, so creating a blog doesn't seem like a very exciting journey, but I think that somehow it is for me. The first time I heard the word "blog," I thought it was absolutely ridiculous, and I vowed to have nothing whatsoever to do with it. I guess that's a vow I'll have to take back now.
In retrospect, I think that blogs are important. They're important because writing is important. As an English graduate student, I naturally think that the world revolves around literature. It revolves, more specifically, around communicating ideas, thoughts, loves, hates, passions... And that's what literature is. It's the world being interpreted through the eyes of one person. And that, if you break it down, is what blogging is all about.
So here's my life-- my thoughts and passions and hopes laid out for all to see. This is a journey... It's a journey for me through the complicated layers of my own mind, and it's a journey for you because you get to come along on the ride.